Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rain Again and Again

After the rain

A most welcome sight. Finally baled!

A good scratch

Mutual grooming initiated by the good scratch!

My posts have been intermittent lately, because of internet service problems, sorry.
We have had several days of afternoon rain, starting at around 6:oo and lasting for an hour or so. This all started because Bud and I decided to wait until the evenings to go to the farm.
We go our separate ways, he to the garden below, or fixing a new gate and I go to ride Bear. Bear is still on the mend, I am riding him, but not too long or hard. He's doing side pass at the walk, renvers and travers, turn on the forehand (shaky), and now trots on a light rein. He does a great halt just by my seat position. No photos of this, because I'm on him!
We have gotten soaked every day, but the evenings are so cool that I have gotten much delayed tasks done with minimum sweat. Like cleaning out the big run-in shed. And like putting compost on the garden and the hillside above the barn. Not for 90-degree-weather-tasks. It has actually been a joy to do.

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