Sunday, May 24, 2009

New Name

Lady hiding in grass

Lady "gone" in grass

Lady enjoying her walk/run

Lady comes when called. She acts like she knows her name.

Name change! I think I'm going to call her by a great old standby; old fashioned farm dog name-"Lady". It suits her. She is fastidiously well mannered, looks hopeful when I carry food to where I'm going to eat, but lays down away from the table, doesn't hover panting into my plate. She will walk to the door and look at me, doesn't whine. Oh, she barked at Bud when he drove up in the truck. Two woofs, YES! One reason I wanted her was that she would hopefully bark when someone drives up. I don't know why, maybe the wind blows sounds away from me , but I sometimes don't know someone is here until they walk around the corner and scare the shadow off of me. So she's my little doorbell.
We took a walk to almost the top of the hill. I thought I'd not chance it with the donkeys up there. They are coyote chasing donkeys, I've seen them do it, but I haven't seen them catch one. I didn't want to take a chance that they'd try to run her down. She had a blast, running into the tall grass and playing hide and sek.

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