Friday, July 10, 2009

Too much work makes Jack a dull boy

OK,so it IS harder to do a blog when you've got farmin' to do! Namely, gardening, treating horses, harvesting and canning. Don't take that too seriously, though, I got all of 4 quarts of beans canned last night. It was my first time, and it may as well have been brain surgery for all of the instructions I had to follow. It took 3 hours to do from start to finish, 15 minutes of which was fighting the canner lid twice before figuring out that it has a front and back and the lid only fits on ONE way. I'd get it half way on and couldn't get the back to go down. Think computers are the only man-made marvel to go out the window? I truly thought about it, and if it wasn't borrowed, it may have ended up on the front lawn. So, every step documented...Then, when finally done, I lift out the 5 jars and one of them has broken out the bottom of the jar, leaving 4! Bud has gently suggested I go buy my cans of produce and not worry about canning. It looks a lot better all the time.

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